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English translation for "expansion slots"


Related Translations:
slotted plate:  长方眼筛板长眼筛板带槽板带孔筛板切口板
binomial expansion:  二项式展开式二项展开式
confined expansion:  限制膨胀
expansion loop:  电缆的预留弯弧形补偿器盘形管膨胀补偿器膨胀环膨胀伸缩弯头伸缩补偿弯管伸缩弯管;膨胀圈弯管补偿器
melting expansion:  熔融膨胀
hydroscopic expansion:  吸湿性膨胀
expansion planning:  扩容规划
expansion convention:  扩展规约
trunk expansion:  中继线扩充
consciousness expansion:  意识扩张
Example Sentences:
1.Vesa expansion slot riser card adapters and extender cv08vrl costronic slot card for vl isa - bus
右插型slot x3 ;介面卡从右
2.Some systems have external expansion slots to accommodate more data acquisition boards
3.Plugged in the expansion slot , it can be used to encrypt executable documents of dos , win16 and win32
插于计算机的扩展槽,能对dos win16位win32位可执行文件加密。
4.Sram module expansion slot riser card adapters and extender cv08rrl costronic slot riser card for local - 5 160p
右插型slot x2 ; 160p sram module从右手边插入扩充卡焊锡面朝上,
5.This card test " open short " circuits for slot - 2 - 330p expansion slot card edge of pc mother boards , and also test " open short " circuits for cpu card gold fingers
任何一片主机板上的零件与slot - 2 - 330p connector相连接的电路颇多,当不开机时,
6.Standard isa and pci expansion slots and a rs - 232 interface are reserved in the machine for insertion of a network interface card , data security card and various communication interfaces as the user may require
机器内部预留了标准的isa和pci扩展槽, rs - 232接口,可根据用户的要求加插网络接口卡、数据安全保护卡及各种通信接口。
7.The designers of the setup system expected that the end user would now need to follow the manufacturer ' s directions to configure the card by setting jumpers or switches and would then need to insert the card into an expansion slot of a powered - down computer
Similar Words:
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